Seattle Film Society
Locals Only is a monthly exhibition of short films from Washington State independent filmmakers held in Seattle, WA. Each month, our programming team curates an intimate lineup of short films from a variety of genres and showcases them for a community of filmmakers and film lovers.
Screenings include in-depth Q&As with the filmmakers, as well as the opportunity to engage with the broader filmmaking community.
Locals Only Submissions
We invite filmmakers who have lived or worked in Washington State at any time to submit their short films for consideration at our monthly Locals Only events.
Please note that a member of the creative team (Director, Producer, Actor, Director of Photography) is required to be present at the screening to present the film.
Our screenings usually fall during the last week of the month. Submissions are free. Films can be up to 20 minutes in total length and may be of any genre. We do not have restrictions on a film’s completion date.
All films will be programmed at curatorial discretion. Review times will vary. Selection and rejection notices are sent on a rolling basis throughout the year. If you have not heard from us within six months of your submission, you are welcome to contact us at
More Information about SFS Programming Practices.
We, unfortunately, are not able to offer screening fees at this stage, but hope to accommodate this in the future. SFS is fully volunteer-run and no member of our board currently receives fiscal compensation for this venture. All ticketing proceeds are invested directly back into our organization and help offset our basic monthly expenses.
Updated as of 8/12/24